Tips to avoid being stung this summer
Of course, the best way to treat a wasp sting is to try and not be stung in the first place so here are a few tips to try and avoid this happening:
If you find yourself swarmed by bees or wasps, try to move away slowly. Our immediate reaction is to wave wasps away. This makes the situation worse by ‘exciting’ wasps, making them more aggressive and likely to sting.
Wear an insect repellent as these are effective with wasps too
Do not interfere with a wasp nest. The wasps will immediately attack in defense.
Some flowers and other shrubs are particular favorites of wasps so try and stay away from these.
Be careful eating outside, especially sweet sugary things, including liquids. These sugary items can attract wasps.
Another suggestion is to avoid wearing perfume and other strong scents as some people believe that wasps are attracted to them.
If you working in an area that you can see many wasps then sensible precautions would be long sleeves, trousers etc. to keep as much skin as possible covered thereby minimising chances of being stung.
And finally, keep an eye out for nests in the garden and in eaves of houses. If you notice an increase in wasps numbers, more than usual it may be because there is a nest close by. If you do find one, call a reputable pest control company.
If you suspect you may have a wasp nest then please contact the professionals for a effective treatment